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Discovering The Father

Bill Johnson outlines the many areas in our lives we have to gain connection with God. He highlights our purpose of fulfillment and the resources we have access to as sons and daughters and what that looks like in our everyday life and ministry.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Course Overview

Unit 1
The Heart of Worship
Unit 2
Biblical Insights
Unit 3
Lifestyle of Worship
Unit 4
Why We Worship
Unit 5
What Is Worship

Discovering The Father

Bill Johnson

Authority is given for you to provide protection and safety for someone, and then enable them to become all that God designed them to be.

God has put destiny in every person that can only be discovered in your connection with a Father.

Are we spending our time on the activities He has provided for us, or are we connecting with the one who created them?
* It’s about connecting with a person.

On the outside of the Kingdom, you lay down everything to enter. On the inside of the Kingdom, He says “ask for anything that you want.”

Intimacy with God births dreams in people, that are supposed to be fulfilled.

Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire realized is a tree of life.
* Disappointment makes the heart sick.

If you want the peace that passes understanding, give up your right to understand.

Sometimes Presence is better than an invitation.

A Father brings identity, purpose, a sense of destiny, and awareness of omnipotent resources to accomplish all that He has called us to accomplish.

What are your desires in the Presence?

Names release identity.
* Adam had the opportunity to name the animals, to decide what kind of world he wanted to live in.

When you create something out of an encounter, that creation releases the same kind of anointing that you experienced in the encounter.

If you don’t write out of your gift, you won’t be ready to write out of an encounter.

Don’t create for the masses, create to represent who you are in God.

We are not relative to this world when we mirror their culture. We are relative when we model what they long to become.

This is not the time for us to decrease, it is the time for us to increase because the light of the world lives in us.

Fathers are honored by sons purposes being fulfilled.

Favor on you enables you to extend favor to other people.
* You have access to all resources, and you in your ministry determine who gets "favor".

Joy is so valuable, that it was used as the motivation to get Jesus to the cross.
* It exists in the middle of a conflict.
* It exists in spite of disappointment.

If the things you are asking for aren’t being done, find out why, because that was the plan.
* Instead of denying the plan exists, find the reason why.
* He won’t answer any prayer that undermines your purpose.