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The Pressure is All Off

Steffany encourages you to learn how to embrace the process you life. She unpacks what "glory to glory" looks like, and discusses the things that cause pressure in our lives and how to handle those pressure points.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Course Overview

Unit 1
The Heart of Worship
Unit 2
Biblical Insights
Unit 3
Lifestyle of Worship
Unit 4
Why We Worship
Unit 5
What Is Worship

The Pressure’s All Off

Steffany Gretzinger

You will never sing in the Spirit if you can’t deal with what is going on in your soul.
* We weren’t created to be one-dimensional beings.

"Pressure" is from Satan, not from the Lord.

Who you are, never changes.
* Seasons change, but your gift mix and who you are, do not.

Pressure Points:
* Pressure to be something other than you’re not.
* Pressure for your life to look a certain way.
* Pressure from Pastors. Don’t take pressure from your pastors, get a vision from them.
* Pressure to be perfect from family.
* Pressure because of what other people think.

Success doesn’t have anything to do with the outcome, it’s all in the process.

We want to live lives that are so explosive with presence because we are so close to Him, that when we walk into the room people forget about us and look at Him.

“All He wants is everything. It’s really not that much. So the pressure is all off.”

“There is nothing you could offer that is more beautiful than what He already paid.”
* You can’t out offer God. His sacrifice was perfect.

Just because it’s heavy does not make it important.
* His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

No one can decide if you’re going to be yourself but you.