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Worship Without an Instrument

Amanda challenges us to find community in worship and how to use our instruments as a tool and not a way to hide. She offers helpful tools on preparing for a worship set that sets your entire team and self up for success.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Course Overview

Unit 1
The Heart of a Leader
Unit 2
Building a Team
Unit 3
Serving the Church
Unit 4
Leading a Service
Unit 5
Spirit Led Worship Leading
Unit 6
Bonus Unit - Worship Leaders Q&A, Interviews and Testimony

Ditching Your Instrument - Amanda Cook


It is a vulnerable place to lead without your instrument.

It's easy to hide behind the thing you're playing.

We can go faster alone, but we can go further together.

You are the one who makes an instrument come to life. Instruments are tools, and they are vehicles.

Your hands are meant to be laid on other musicians to release them into their destiny.

As worship leaders, we aren't really leaders if people aren't coming with us.

If you don't have anyone following, you're not a leader, you're just a person walking around.

Find someone who finds the instrument you play, and start raising them up. In your quest for excellence, pass on everything you have. Mom's and Dad's don't have jealous over their kids going further than they did.

Communication off stage leads to communication on stage. If you have a relationship with people, they can anticipate your next move.

Find out what key you can sing in. Figure out the notes at the top and bottom of your range.

Have chord charts ready. Get your entire team on the same system. Put your chord charts in your key. Learn to transpose, and teach your team how to do the same.

Teach your team dynamics of what it looks like to not be in a rush.