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Worship Team Administration

Matt talks about scheduling a worship team, maintaining structure, and how to create a good value system. He shares his personal experiences on what a good leader looks like, and some aspects of the Bethel Music systems they have in place.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Course Overview

Unit 1
The Heart of a Leader
Unit 2
Building a Team
Unit 3
Serving the Church
Unit 4
Leading a Service
Unit 5
Spirit Led Worship Leading
Unit 6
Bonus Unit - Worship Leaders Q&A, Interviews and Testimony


Matt came to the school of worship in 2009 here at Bethel.

  • He liked it so much that he decided to stay
  • Matt is now a worship leader here at Bethel and the Bethel Worship Department Manager

Main Structure of Our Department

  • Brian and Jenn are over the whole department
  • Joel is over the Bethel Music label
  • Matt and Paul are department managers

It is really good to make requirements

  • It helps set up expectations for the team
  • Create a value system.
  • It is really good to have character guidelines because they are leaders.
  • Because what people do off of stage it makes then a mess for the leadership
  • Create a value system that helps and allows your people to grow

You want to honor your church and your church values

When your leaders tell you what they are expecting of them that helps people know exactly what is expected of them and it feels good

You want your team to feel like a family, not like an organization

  • You want your team to be feel valued
  • We have section leaders so that the people on our team have someone to go to
  • You don't want your people to feel used, you want them to feel valued and have room to grow

Paying your musicians is really up to you, you need to decide on your own because it is all dependant on where you're at.

You want to become the leader that you would want to follow

  • someone who listens
  • someone who empowers
  • You want to lead from a place of love not a place of fear of punishment

If you have an environment of acceptance and love it creates a space for your people to feel safe

Communication is one of the most important things you need

  • Communication can heal wounds
  • Bad communication can create wounds
  • Have brave communication
  • The longer you go without communication the worse it gets

Your tone in communication sets the pace for everything

  • Use words like “I feel like this when you do this”
  • Instead of “you do this”


  • When it comes down to you, you have to ask the Lord
  • The real question is where is there heart?
  • We have taken people off the team or put them on breaks.
  • If they aren’t willing to work through there stuff then that is where we have a huge problem
  • If they have really big issues you can take them off stage to work with them to grow and work on their stuff
  • But they have to be willing
  • Your decisions ALWAYS need to be motivated by love not by fear

Sometimes the Lord is moving really strongly through or on a person who is a non - christian

  • Pray about it
  • Talk with your leadership about it
  • Talk with the pastor about it
  • Honor your leaders and pastors in that