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Authority While Serving

Brian discusses the importance of serving, how to serve well, and how servanthood is part of the process to authority.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Course Overview

Unit 1
Understanding of Worship
Unit 2
Keeping Community and Culture
Unit 3
Knowing Your Heart and Identity
Unit 4
Growth and Service
Unit 5
Worship Team Structure and Dynamics

Authority While Serving

Brian Johnson

Information vs. Revelation

There’s a difference between watching something happen and being able to empathize. But when you step into a first-hand experience, it is a revelation. - - Let information turn into revelation.
(Great worship songs start in worship but they end with stewardship)


Jesus is the perfect example of someone who served and grew in authority

- Jesus was fully God, fully man. He grew in wisdom and He grew in favor with man.
- He went through the process to show us the perfect example of how to live.
- Jesus changed the world as a son.
- He did what he saw his father doing.
- To change the world you have to figure out how to be you.
- You don’t have to be the best at what you do.
- You don’t have to be a father.
- Start stewarding the things in your life RIGHT NOW.


Take care of your family first. Don’t reach past what is in front of you. Let’s be present!

Jesus served the world with no strings attached.- Jesus influenced the world, but he kept all of his disciples
- Luke 23:34 Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
- The heart of Jesus has still focused on others rather than himself.

When you are in pain who do you think of?


“You’ve not lived today until you’ve done something for someone who can never repay you” - John Bunyan

Mark 10:5 Jesus came to serve and not be served.

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but what I do know is the only ones who will be truly happy are the ones who chose to serve others.”

  • - We were never meant to be in control.
  • - We were meant to worship all the time.
  • - He (Jesus) emptied himself taking the form of a servant.
  • Lucifer was trying to be like God. And Jesus was exalted as he SERVED God. Look at these pathways, which one worked? What are you doing in your life? Are you trying to control and be the leader? or are you giving your life to serving?
  • Are you submitting to people? Even if you think you are smarter, more talented, and better than the person you are submitting to.
  • God uses family and relationships for us to practice servanthood, with SINCERITY OF HEART.


Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men.

- We serve men, but God is in control. We do not put the pressure on leaders for them to fulfill your destiny.
- Jesus did not commit his heart to another man. He committed his heart to God.
- That does not mean we are not to serve men.
- The "load" of your destiny is on God’s shoulders, but we serve and submit to men.
- There is an authority we gain through service that is not available any other way.
- “It’s important that people can serve another man’s vision before running after their own.” -Bill Johnson
- Loyalty
- When we serve, there is going to pain, there is going to be the opportunity for bitterness.
- Focus on becoming the best thing for the world not the best thing in the world.
- It’s God who gives us the blessing.

Take a second and ask God to highlight to you, how can I serve the best for the immediate world around me?