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Worshipping Amidst Disappointment
Dive into Scripture, truth, and perspective with Sheila Baldwin as she shares what she has learned from walking through disappointment and choosing to worship in the middle of it.
Walking Through Disappointment - Time: 00:32-6:09
“Disappointment is an opportunity.”
It is key to walk “through” disappointment. “Staying in disappointment is like the plague.”
Disappointment can cause us to change our perspective of God and to “change our prayer or our dream.”
“It’s okay to be disappointed.” Not acknowledging it “create[s] anxiety and depression.”
“. . . we don’t know the reason for the season we’re in.”
The areas “you experience the most hardship” are the “areas you’re meant to carry authority in.”
Your testimony is powerful, which is why the enemy wants to interfere. But his oppression is not as heavy as we think. “You could kick right through it, with the truth.”
Finding Opportunities in Disappointment - Time: 6:10-21:54
Worshiping in the middle of disappointment “costs a lot.”
“. . . if I don’t have hope and I don’t have faith, I have nothing.”
“There’s no growth” in worshiping only when things are good. Choosing worship in the middle of hardship/pain is “true commitment, and love, and faith.”
There are opportunities in disappointment. These include opportunities to: “strengthen yourself in the Word,” “learning to be okay with not understanding,” “learn to take every thought captive,” “let Him promote you into new authority,” and “train yourself to have worship as your first response.”
“What’s the turnaround.” Sometimes that is how you measure growth.
Declare who He is, “because that’s something that’s never gonna change.”
“We have an opportunity to trust Him in a brand new way, every time we’re disappointed, or hurt, or discouraged.”
Finding Strength in His Word - Time: 21:56-28:38
Sheila reads 1 Peter 1:2: “You are not forgotten, you have been chosen and destined by Father God. The Holy Spirit has set you apart to be God’s holy one, an obedient follower of Jesus Christ, who has been gloriously sprinkled with His blood. God’s delightful grace and peace cascades over you over and over again.” Then she reads 1 Peter 1:5, emphasizing faith and worship, and Philippians 4, beginning in verse 12, emphasizes Christ’s ability to overcome “every difficulty.”
God will encounter you in a moment and He will walk you through a journey.
“You don’t know what He’s building you for.”
“He wants to answer your prayer.”
“You can still be taking new ground while you’re fighting a battle.”
“. . . find Him in the valley.” Look for the table He has set for you in the presence of your enemies.
“Cling to the promises of the Lord,” Sheila says, and she reads Jeremiah 29:11.