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Clarity Through Chaos

In a time where many competing voices are in and around us, we must discover what it looks like to discern, follow, and risk with the voice of God. The session covers marrying the prophetic with Scripture, wisdom in communication, and different ways to incorporate the prophetic in your ministry.

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about a journey” (Time:01:40 - 02:47)

  • Sometimes we envision God’s voice as a point of arrival, rather than a journey.

  • We view it as a Promised Land, rather than an invitation to a desert. 


“Pressing into God’s voice is not avoiding other things in your life.” (Time:02:48 - 4:20)

  • We don’t want to be compartmentalized in our life, but to have a transformation in every area of life. 

  • Bring everything you struggle to Him, ask His word and wisdom. It’s in the midst of the struggles that you have, not apart of. 


Born out of tension  (Time:04:21 - 8:51)

  • The example of the “Interstellar” movie. God is always speaking to us, He is out of space and time. He gives us instructions, that are so far beyond our logic and intentions. 

  • Don’t feel overwhelmed, in a difficult season ask God what He is doing.

  • You can be more effective for other people when you are not avoiding God’s voice in chaotic situations. You get clarity through bringing it all before Him.

  • When you minister to other people you have clarity because you hear God’s voice over your situations.


God speaks in different ways  (Time:8:57 - 16:50)

  • One of the things that can hold us back is being familiar with how God spoke in the past.

  • 1 King 18 and 19 - the story of Elijah. It is easy to experience to be in a cave after great moments. God comes to Elijah in a whisper. God talks to him in a different way, not the same way He did usually. So, we need to be sensitive to how God speaks and take risks discerning His whisper.

  • God hides Himself to be found. This is where relationships and communion take place.


4 ways God speaks (Time: 16:53 - 22:35)

  • His Word. The more you grow in the prophetic the more you need to read your Bible.

  • Prayer. Not just talk but listen. Be disciplined in listening.

  • Circumstance. God speaks through circumstances to help us and direct our way.

  • People. They can help and direct you and encourage you to move on.

  • If you don’t hear from God just check those 4 things. If you read your Bible, pray and listen, allow God to talk to you through circumstances and people. Go after it and you will see so much fruit.


Emmy leads students in encounter (Time:22:40 - 26:43)

  • Ask God what is the lie you came here with and what God is replacing it with.


Prayer  (Time: 25:35-26:39)

“God, I thank you that You speak through chaos. God, I thank you that You are not silent, that You don’t withhold Your voice from us. God, I thank you that we can always find truth in the midst of a lie. And God, I pray that whatever we came in with, God that Your truth that You just gave us. God, I pray that that would remain in front of us, that it would clothe us through the remainder of this school. I pray that we would allow ourselves to be reminded over and over and over again when the lie comes, that what You speak is truth and it's life, and it guards us, and it protects us, and it causes fruit to come out of us. So we say, speak, Lord, for we are listening. Amen.”